My OpenLab

Avatars introduce us and represent us on the OpenLab community.  While many users feel comfortable with images of themselves, it’s not at all required.  Feel free to use an image that represents you or your interests.  But do change it from the generic avatar–it makes the community a much more vibrant place.

1. After logging in, click My OpenLab > My Settings in the right-hand menu.

2. Click Change Avatar.

3. Click Browse to search for an image from your computer.  Once you’ve chosen it, click Upload Image.  Now you’ll have the opportunity to Crop the image to the square aspect of the avatar.  If you want to stretch or change an image (anything other than cropping), you’ll need to do so with another image editing program before uploading.  When done, click Crop Image.

Changing Avatar screen shot

5. If you’d like, you can also delete your avatar here (the the system will automatically assign you a generic avatar), although uploading a new image does delete and replace the old one.