Tegan Adriani’s Profile

Active 1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 to 12 (of 13 total)
New project with Bree

New project with Bree

Tegan Adriani

Checking if templates will show up



Tegan Adriani


Project Site Template 2

Tegan Adriani

To use for Project Site Template 2

ENG 1101 / COMD 1100 Research Project

Cosmo Ortiz

This is my class research project.

Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab

Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab

Tegan Adriani

The purpose of this project is to create a forum to ask questions, generate discussion, and share teaching materials, resources, and ideas about teaching and learning on the OpenLab. Avatar image: “The open d […]

Propeller LED Display – Culmination Project

Propeller LED Display – Culmination Project

Tegan Adriani

This project is designed to display messages in a scrolling format on an alphanumeric-LED display. This type of LED display board circuit is available in public places like railway platforms, transport vehicles, […]

Learning to Read

а, б, в, г, д…

Mobile Testing of CBOX-OL

Tegan Adriani

Test Project for Invitation Step

category project

category project

Tegan Adriani

testing categories

Still Testing Academic Units

Still Testing Academic Units

Tegan Adriani


Back from Vacation Blues

Tegan Adriani

Solution: another vacation

More Academic Units

More Academic Units

Tegan Adriani

more testing