Project: Project Templates SU 2023

active 1 year ago
Project Templates SU 2023
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In the Spotlight: OpenLab is Here for You!

As the semester winds down, the OpenLab is here for you! This spotlight shines some light on some upcoming OpenLab events, […] See MoreIn the Spotlight: OpenLab is Here for You!

Co-working session 5/16

One more co-working session to help everyone finish this semester! On Thursday, May 16th from 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 PM, join […] See MoreCo-working session 5/16

OpenLab Open House

With the semester winding down, the OpenLab Team invites you to join the OpenLab Open House! Come share your successes from […] See MoreOpenLab Open House

Recent Comments

Comment on OpenLab Open House by In the Spotlight: OpenLab is Here for You! – The Open Road

[…] to the OpenLab Open House to share your successes from this semester, ask questions, and learn from each other about […] See MoreComment on OpenLab Open House by In the Spotlight: OpenLab is Here for You! – The Open Road

Comment on OpenLab Open House by Jesse Rice-Evans

I’ll be there! I enthusiastically joined the Zoom room very early XD See MoreComment on OpenLab Open House by Jesse Rice-Evans

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